At All Souls', being together is very important to us. We follow Jesus' teachings by loving, serving, and supporting each other, which fosters a strong sense of community and deepens our faith.
Our special events, such as Advent and Lenten Soup Suppers, group studies, educational forums, book clubs, and coffee hours, help us stay connected and grow spiritually. We warmly invite you to join our communal groups and become an active part of these enriching experiences.

Communal Groups

Bible Study
Join Father Douglas and a wonderful group of parishioners for Bible Study every Tuesday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. We work our way through a book of the Bible with lively discussion and deep inquiry. Attend in person in the Sherman Room or join online via Zoom.
For details, contact Father Douglas.

Children Ministry
All Souls' is dedicated to involving children, youth, and families with the help of Alexandra Howard (Ms. Alex), our Children, Youth, and Family Minister. We have a safe and caring worship space for them, as well as a nursery with an outdoor play area where professional caregivers look after children during services and events. We also offer Vacation Bible School for one week every summer.
For details, contact Ms. Alex.

Youth Ministry
All Souls' Youth gathers every Sunday at 11:30 in our Youth Room to engage in fellowship, spiritual formation, games, movies, service, and pizza. Youth regularly gather in larger events with youth from all over our diocese. Retreats at Camp Stevens, summer mission trips, NightWatch, Broomball, and more. All persons in grades 6-12 are fully welcome, without condition.
For details, contact Ms. Alex.

A men's fellowship group, the Brotherhood, gathers on the second Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. for worship, discussion and breakfast. Despite its name, Brotherhood welcomes participation from everyone, regardless of gender.
For details, contact David McCall.