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Service and Ministry
After parish members have been fed with spiritual food, they turn around and feed others. Below are some highlights. More information can be found by following these links: Local, Regional, and International.

Episcopal Church Center *Temporarily on Hold
On the third Wednesday of every month, we prepare dinner for 150-200 people at the Episcopal Church Center in Ocean Beach, approximately one mile from All Souls'. Parishioners set up for the dinner, welcome those who come to eat, serve the guests, and clean up after all have partaken of the meal. Contact the church office if you want to participate.
This activity is supported by parish pledges, and a semi-monthly "Dining for Ocean Beach Dinners" gatherings at local restaurants, which donate a percentage of our dinner receipts back to All Souls' to fund the ministry. Check the E Blast for dates and locations.
Bread Baking
In addition to baking the bread for Holy Eucharist, our bread-baking team also bakes loaves for newcomers and to raise funds for the Ocean Beach Loaves and Fishes ministry. Contact the church office if you want to join the baking crew.

St. Nicholas Home Tour
For over 60 years, All Souls' has hosted the Home Tour and Christmas Arts Marketplace. Almost everyone in the parish participates in some way or another, and the funds we raise each year support our outreach ministries.

Ministry in Maseno, Kenya
In December 2001, Drs. Nan and Gerry Hardison went from All Souls' to Maseno to reinvigorate Maseno Missions. Maseno included Maseno Hospital, a Mother's Union Orphan Program, a School of Nursing, and St. Philip's Theological College. Although the Hardisons returned to San Diego in 2011, their tireless work breathed new life and hope into Maseno Missions, and they and All Souls' continue to support Maseno Missions today. This mission has spawned other efforts in Kenya, including an ongoing effort to increase crop yields on Kenyan farms.

Peninsula Shepherd Center
All Souls' Parish hosts the office of the PSC - and many of our members volunteer there. PSC provides a support system so that older adults, age 60 and over, may live independently and self-sufficiently in their own homes for as long as possible, while providing opportunities to learn, socialize and serve. Find out more by clicking here.
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